Lighting designer Michael Taylor-Broderick on the grandMA3

Lighting designer Michael Taylor-Broderick, from DWR Distribution,  reflects on the grandMA3

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“We have to learn… that it does not matter what we expect from life, but rather what life expects from us.” -Victor Frankl

In his book, Victor Frankl says the following, “We have to learn… that it does not matter what we expect from life, but rather what life expects from us.” Having the good fortune to attend MA3 Training I have come to the following conclusion, “it isn’t what we expect from an MA3, it’s what an MA3 expects from us.” In other words, the console is a like a blank canvas, a block of wood or a lump of clay. It’s asking to be painted, chiselled or shaped according to your chosen method. It goes beyond that too. Whatever your method of creation, it will not dictate choices to you. It allows your creativity to flourish, you can choose to be an impressionist, where bold colourful strokes display your intent, a surrealist perhaps, or even an abstract artist, warping and distorting the traditionalist approach. You can be Rembrandt, Van Gogh or Dali, Moore or Rodin, MA3 isn’t a window to creativity, it’s a series of doors, choose one, choose several, you won’t look back, ever.

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