DWR Distribution | Stage Lighting Equipment
DWR Distribution supplies, installs and services event lighting equipment from the world's top manufacturers.
Join Robert Izzett from DWR Distribution in Cape Town as he presents a Rigging Basics training course.
The course will be held on 11 and 12 September from 9am to 5pm, at DWR Cape Town, Unit 74D, Platinum Junction Business Park, Marconi Beam, Milnerton in Cape Town.
Topics covered in this practical training session includes Rigging Laws in South Africa, Rigging Hardware, shackles, steel wire ropes, trussing, endless rounds, motors and chains.
The cost is R1 700 and includes lunch and refreshments. We hope to see you there.
Bookings can be made online at: https://dwrdistribution.co.za/register/basic-rigging-cape-town-september-2019/