DWR Distribution | Stage Lighting Equipment
DWR Distribution supplies, installs and services event lighting equipment from the world's top manufacturers.
Vectorworks Spotlight Training 2022 presented by Dylan Jones will be to be held from 12 to 16 September, 9 am to 4 pm at DWR Distribution in Johannesburg.
The Vectorworks 2022 entertainment tools focus on improving your workflow and saving you time. The course will be split up into Basic Training (12 Sept), Intermediate Training (13-14 Sept) and Advanced Training (15-16 Sept) and the cost is R200 per module.
Dylan will cover a range of topics including layouts and palettes, basic tools, classes and layers, spotlight tools, Renderworks, intermediate tools, worksheets and reports, 3D modeling, resource management and file import and export.
Those attending are requested to bring their own PC or MAC (installed with Vectorworks Spotlight software), visit: https://www.vectorworks.net/en-US/spotlight
Bookings online:
For more information contact Sherryn at [email protected].