Step Back to the Future with DWR’s Expo and Party!

Back to the Future Google Forms

DWR Distribution takes great pleasure in inviting you to our Back to the Future Exhibition and Party at our offices in Johannesburg! On the 29 and 30 July, we will host an exhibition/open day between 10 am to 5pm where you will be able to meet international suppliers and view the latest products and enjoy demonstrations. It will also be Duncan Riley’s 50th birthday! You are invited to his party on 30 July from 5:30 pm at our offices.

DWR Exhibition – 29 and 30 July

Our team looks forward to showcasing and demonstrating our large range of equipment, from lighting to audio, screens, and AV. Everyone from System Integrators, the Pro Audio Market, Stage & Rental Companies, Houses of Worship, Schools, Freelancers, Film, and TV Studios and anyone interested in technology will find something interesting! Visit us daily between 10 am to 5 pm.

Just like old times at exhibitions, we are grateful to many of our suppliers who will be in South Africa to meet with you.


“Party on” at Duncan’s 50th on 30 July

Our Back to the Future Showcase ends with Duncan Riley inviting you to celebrate his 50th Birthday with him! With DJ Luis Almeida creating some vibes – and don’t forget to dress up in the Back to the Future Theme – we’ll enjoy some food and ‘n kuier just like old times but new. Same, same but different!

Although there is no charge, BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL to assist with catering and logistics.


PLEASE NOTE: There are two separate booking links, one for the expo and the other for Duncan’s birthday party.

Back to the Future Google Forms Exhibition copy 1

DWR Exhibition:

29 – 30 July | 10 am to 5 pm

Entry is free of charge, but booking is essential for logistics

Booking Link:


Duncan’s 50th Birthday Party:

30 July | 5:30 pm | Dress code: Back to the Future

Entry is free of charge, but booking is essential for logistics/catering

Booking Link:


You may wonder about the Back to the Future theme. Well, we recently hung a picture in our reception area that says, “Marty, whatever happens, don’t go back to 2020!” As our industry has risen from the ashes, it’s not just about seeing new gear—it’s about reconnecting with each other. We can’t wait to see you there to share this time together!


For more info e-mail [email protected] or [email protected].