Positive visit for Theatrixx in South Africa

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DWR Distribution welcomed Kris Hill from Theatrixx Technologies on his second visit to South Africa. Accompanied by DWR’s Dylan Jones, Kris met with customers in Johannesburg and Cape Town, where Theatrixx Technologies was praised as a game changer in the industry.

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“I was here ten years ago and had forgotten how stunning SA is and thoroughly enjoyed my visit,” said Kris. “ I was struck by how welcoming and friendly everyone was. Coming from a rather dense part of London I enjoyed the culture, open space and breathtaking views. The country has a vibrant events and system integration community and DWR is well placed to service both.”

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Theatrixx Technologies designs and manufactures dependable and award-winning audio-visual solutions for the performing arts, live events, and entertainment industry and has become the preferred choice for event and system integration professionals. “From our launch of two products in 2015 we now boast over 120 models that are distributed in close to 40 countries!” Kris shared. “The name Theatrixx is synonymous with reliability, innovation and pride and we go to great lengths to ensure that all of our products work the first time every time. Our growth has been extraordinary with over 100 employees in our Montreal manufacturing facility in Canada. Most technicians now see the value in our brand and have absolute trust in our products and ethos. We are always innovating, recently expanding our signal converter portfolio – we have a strong roadmap for 2025 and beyond – and launching a new hardware-based media player, The xPressCue, which is being adopted by major industry names.”


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Dylan Jones confirmed Theatrixx Technologies’ significant impact on the local market. “Their equipment ensures reliability and quality in presentations and displays. Customers were keen to meet Kris, and we had a great time! Thank you, Kris, for being here.”

Theatrixx and DWR share a common ethos with both companies based on strong customer service and being able to provide top-tier brands across the rental, events and system integration market. “I was very impressed with the DWR offices and incredibly well-equipped showroom,” Kris added. “That coupled with large warehousing and an excellent team of pre-sales, sales and marketing professionals makes DWR the ideal partner for our growth plans in the region.”

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He concluded, “A special thanks to Dylan Jones for his hospitality. We met many high-level event customers and are already seeing sales results from these demos. I also thank Duncan Riley, Managing Director, for his support and efforts in growing Theatrixx’s market share. The Theatrixx management team is excited about what we can achieve together.”

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