DWR Distribution | Stage Lighting Equipment
DWR Distribution supplies, installs and services event lighting equipment from the world's top manufacturers.
WHAT: Passion for Theatre from a Technical Perspective
WHERE: Market Photo Workshop, MPW Auditorium, Newtown, Johannesburg
WHEN: Monday, 28 February 2022 from 10am – 4pm
ACCESS: registration require (R50) – limited number due to Covid 19 regulations
Calling all aspiring theatre crew and anyone interested in working in the technical side of theatre and stage productions. The Splitbeam Passion for Theatre from a Technical Perspective is a one-day event designed to rekindle your passion for theatre or help you understand the ins and outs of the theatre and backstage work. Is this something you have always been interested in but never known what it is really like? Come and find out.
Hosted by specialist theatre equipment rental and technical services company, Splitbeam the programme is divided into two sessions hosted by senior technicians, most have worked locally and abroad on major productions from all genres of theatre, Drama, Dance, Musicals, Comedy and Plays….etc. During the panel discussions these technicians will share their experiences and offer advice to young (and not so young) up and coming crew and non-theatre crew considering a career in theatre production. Listen and be inspired by these experts giving first-hand accounts of how they joined the theatre and why they have a passion for theatre as well as some great stories of their careers so far.
After spending a significant amount of time looking for skilled or passionate beginners to hire for local and international tours, Splitbeam’s Managing Director Alistair Kilbee came up with the idea of a forum where highly talented and qualified guest speakers who are professionals in stage management, sound, lighting and theatre design could share their knowledge, skills and career paths to uplift, educate and even entertain delegates. As the world begins to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and the live entertainment industry opens up, The Splitbeam Passion for Theatre from a Technical Perspective event will give theatre crew and technical production enthusiasts a helpful start and aspire them to specialise in all areas of theatre, thus growing the talent pool. Experienced crew members who wish to re-connect with senior technical specialists and renew their focus for theatre are welcome to attend.
The objective of The Splitbeam – Passion for Theatre from a Technical Perspective session is to benefit the theatre community. This forum is not meant to get bogged down on long drawn-out technical discussions and therefore is not a training course nor a master class. But an inspiration session with a little bit of knowledge sneaked in. The cost to attend this event is R50 per person for the day registration is require. This is to cover hard costs and includes lunch and refreshments.
Book now by registering online: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLXl77Z0aok5aVD_QUWLIwTyB7-yfa0tcyP7Y6W1VsY9IzIg/viewform?usp=sf_link
For more information feel free to contact Splitbeam on [email protected] OR 011 216 3070 (8am – 5pm)
Be inspired and find your Passion for Theatre