As I slowly come to grips with the sudden reality flip that we have all experienced over the past few days, I find myself vacillating between crippling fear, stoic calm, denial, anger, optimism and then back to crippling anxiety. I am craving the company of my amazing work family at DWR. I miss my weekends spent at shows taking photos of all my talented friends at front of house. I crave the lights, the bass echoing my heartbeat and the intoxicating feeling of people dancing all around me. I miss my life, but what I crave the most is having another adult with whom I can share my thoughts. My husband is a health care worker and has left for the office every morning at 6 am and arrived home well after dinner for the past six days – and the two weeks leading up to the lockdown were no better.
Like many in this industry, I have left my husband to look after the children while I travel for work many times in the past. I have always appreciated the sacrifices that he makes when I am off doing what I love most in the world. However, I don’t think that I have ever thanked him enough or really appreciated how lonely it can be when you are colouring in and cooking dinner at the same time.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend my admiration to each and every partner that is left behind when the show takes your loved one away. I would also like to ask that we take a moment to send our love and strength to every person who is working to keep our country running right now – and the families that are trying to get through this without the support of their partners.
Twenty-one fear-filled days is a long time to spend with your spouse and kids in one small isolated location. Basically, its a season of Survivor and we have seen what that does to people. Every time you feel your irritation levels get away from you – remember that you are privileged! Many are doing this completely alone or as single parents or as one half of a team. Be kind to each other, especially when the only way to survive is to distance yourself from other people.
The people in your home are your life raft in a sea of loneliness, cherish them!
With love
Nicole Barnes