2 Titans for 2 friends

30 May 2011

Willie Botha (left) and Dillon Jearey (Kilowatt AV) with DWR Distribution’s Nick Britz.

Sometimes sales are all about “humming and ahhing”. Haven’t we all done that… decisions, decisions and endless contemplation. Other times it’s “strike while the iron’s hot”, exactly what happened when Dillon Jearey of Kilowatt AV and top lighting freelancer Willie Botha, together visited DWR Distribution recently. Each left with their own Avolites Titan Mobile console. If only all sales were this easy!

Truth be known, though, Willie had been hounding DWR for a long time, nagging when the Titan Mobile would come to South Africa after he had seen it on the net. The Titan Mobile is a lightweight unit that connects to your tablet or touch screen PC to produce a fully featured moving light control system and basically caters for the needs of our ever changing industry.

It’s an exciting step for experienced LD Willie, who can now be booked with a desk! “I started out my career on an AVO desk and I’ve always been an AVO Fan. The Titan software is very versatile and can do anything from theatre to rock and roll.” Willie says there have been times when a client has had great expectations for a show without providing the equipment capable of achieving their aspirations.” “Now I have a piece of gear I know and it’s the first lighting desk I’ve owned,” says the very experienced Avolites and Grand MA operator.

Said Dillon Jearey, MD of Kilowatt AV, “It’s our culture and important to offer clients the right equipment for the right shows. So often gear companies over spec and over charge clients with equipment they don’t really need for smaller shows.

“We had a Avolites Tiger, but it was often too large for smaller shows, and too small for our larger shows. The Titan Mobile fills a very important gap in our business and does not take much real estate space at FOH. For our large show we still love the bigger AVO desks and the Grand MA” explained Dillon.